Ihr Spezialist für Zinn

Legal notice

Die Neue Linie GmbH

Legal website operator identification:

Die Neue Linie GmbH
Represented by the general manager Jean-Jacques Hincker
Steinbacher Str. 54-56
90559 Burgthann

Telephone: +49 9188 3074040
Telefax: +49 9188 30740430
E-Mail: info@die-neue-linie.de

VAT No.: DE133509880
listed in the commercial register of the local court Nürnberg
Commercial register number - Part B of the commercial register 9454

Alternative dispute resolution:

The European Commission provides a platform for the out-of-court resolution of disputes (ODR platform), which can be viewed under ec.europa.eu/odr

We are not willing and not obligated to enter into dispute resolution proceedings before the consumer arbitration board.

Image sources

  • Motiv Zinnschüssel in Feuer: blackdiamond67/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Münzensammlung: Viktorua/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Krüge: Agnieszka Witczak/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Weltkugel aus Glas: Romolo Tavani/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Hammer: pressmaster/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Schmied: alfa27/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Zwei Becher: fine pics/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Laptoptastatur: Urupong/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Münze: Yaroslav/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Schlüssel und Schlüsselloch: Anna-Mari West/AdobeStock

  • Motiv Ritter: Masson/AdobeStock

Technical implementation & realisation

Auctores GmbH
Auctores GmbH
Dammstraße 5
D-92318 Neumarkt

Tel.: +49 9181 5198-0
Fax: +49 9181 5198-200
E-Mail: info@auctores.de
Web: www.auctores.de
