

This is what we craft

High on the list of fine and beautifully worked metals is pewter. A long history of this material contributes to the fact that it was valued and particularly popular for processing many 100 years ago. As a drinking vessel, as jewelry, as an art object and for the refinement and decoration of special objects.

Its soft structure makes it wonderful to shape and engrave. In brushed or polished form, it is matt like stainless steel or high-gloss like silver.

Here, in this shop, you will find a special range of very selected creations made from the finest pewter.

Let yourself be enchanted by the wealth of detail of the impressive reliefs that can be seen on the pewter coins, pewter stampers, pewter schnapps mugs and pewter wine romans and which are worth discovering.

The pewter products are 100 % made in our own factory in Germany (Bavaria). In addition, we guarantee that only food-safe material with a minimum content of 95 % pure tin is used for our drinking vessels.


Unsere Produkte

In unserem Shop finden Sie ein besonderes Sortiment sehr ausgewählter Kreationen aus feinstem Zinn. Lassen Sie sich verzaubern vom Detailreichtum der beeindruckenden Reliefs, die auf den Zinnmünzen, Zinn-Stampern, Zinn-Schnapskrügle und Zinn-Weinrömern zu sehen sind und die es zu entdecken gilt.

Unsere Produkte
Münzen aus Zinn

Ein aufwendiges Gussverfahren und die nachträgliche Feinarbeit machen aus unseren Gedenkmünzen ganz besondere Sammlerstücke.

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Unsere Produkte

Geschenke für den ganz besonderen Anlass: Unsere handgefertigten Zinngeschirr-Serien glänzen mit vollendeter Handarbeit und stilvollen Motiven.

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Metal surcharge

The pewter price

In addition to the other well-known metals, pewter is an absolutely unique material that comes onto the market in a multitude of products. Tin has been used for many thousands of years and played a historically formative role at the beginning of its processing, especially in the production of vessels.

Tin is traded on the commodity exchange. It is therefore subject to regular price fluctuations, which depend on the world market and are sometimes more or less severe.

The fluctuating raw material price can only be included to a limited extent in the final pricing, as production is planned for the longer term. However, it can happen that the price changes so much within a year or at shorter intervals that price adjustments become necessary during the year.
